Tuesday, November 22, 2016

धर्म क्या हैं। (Story by Sukhdev Taneja)

ये सब सच्चे अनुभव पर आधारित एक घटना हैं। मेरे सभी articles सच्चे अनुभव पर आधारित होते है।

एक घर हैं। सभी बैठे हैं एक जगह पर। पँडित  हैं और माता का हवन हो रहा।  मेने देखा की हर साल हवन होता हैं। पँडित भी आते है। मंत्रो का जाप चल रहा हैं। शायद भगवान का ध्यान भी करते होंगे।

हवन खत्म हुआ और सब कुछ हुआ तभी उनको पता चलता हैं कि पड़ोसी का मोबाइल खराब हो गया है। और वो परेशान है।

फिर क्या था। सारे धर्म सारी अच्छाई सब शर्मशार होने लगी। पूरा परिवार जोर जोर से हंसने लगा जैसी की मन की मुराद पूरी हुई। ये एक बार नही हमेशा ही ये देखा की जब भी पड़ोसी पर कोई दुःख या परेशानी आई तो धर्म की बाते तो बहुत दूर।

उनको ओर दुखी और जलाने की कोशिश की जाते। और खुद वो बहुत ही धर्मिक समझते होंगे।

छत पर हनुमान का झण्डा और मोबाइल पर साई की रिंगटोन। क्या ये सब दुनिया को बताने के लिए है हम हनुमान भक्त हैं। क्या हवन कुण्ड सब घर की शुद्धि के लिए हैं जबकि मन तो ईर्ष्या रूपी जहर से भरा पड़ा हैं।

क्या ये कहानी सब घर की नही। जो लोग दूसरों के दुःख में आनंद का अनुभव करते हैं उनसे बड़ा कोई नासितक कोई और नहीै।

सच तो ये हैं आपको अपने मन को शुद्ध करने की सख्त जरूरत हैं। मै सभी लोगो से कहता हूँ की कोई जरूरत नही ज्ञान की या ध्यान की, या भक्ति की अगर आपका मन निर्मल नही कोमल नही। तो ये सब नाटक व्यथँ  हैं।

क्या छिप सकता है निरकारी भगवान से। अगर आपको ईर्ष्या में आनंद आता हैं। तो बंद करो ये सब दिखावा धर्मिक होने का।

सब बन्द करके सिर्फ अपने मन को शुद्ध करने का प्रयास करे। ये सही मायने में ध्यान और हवन हैं।

सुखदेव तनेजा की कलम से (It's just Beginning)

फिर हाजिर होंगे नये topics के साथ।

आप हमें ढूंढ सकते हैं यूट्यूब पर (Sukhdev Taneja के नाम से) 🙏

Saturday, July 16, 2016

आधुनिक सच

मियां-बीबी दोनों मिल खूब कमाते हैं
तीस लाख का पैकेज दोनों ही पाते हैं

सुबह आठ बजे नौकरियों परजाते हैं
रात ग्यारह तक ही वापिस आते हैं

अपने परिवारिक रिश्तों से कतराते हैं
अकेले रह कर वह कैरियर बनाते हैं

कोई कुछ मांग न ले वो मुंह छुपाते हैं
भीड़ में रहकर भी अकेले रह जाते हैं

मोटे वेतन की नौकरी छोड़ नहीं पाते हैं
अपने नन्हे मुन्ने को पाल नहीं पाते हैं

फुल टाइम की मेड ऐजेंसी से लाते हैं
उसी के जिम्मे वो बच्चा छोड़ जाते हैं

परिवार को उनका बच्चा नहीं जानता है
केवल आया'आंटी' को ही पहचानता है

दादा-दादी, नाना-नानी कौन होते है?
अनजान है सबसे किसी को न मानता है

आया ही नहलाती है आया ही खिलाती है
टिफिन भी रोज़ रोज़ आया ही बनाती है

यूनिफार्म पहनाके स्कूल कैब में बिठाती है
छुट्टी के बाद कैब से आया ही घर लाती है

नींद जब आती है तो आया ही सुलाती है
जैसी भी उसको आती है लोरी सुनाती है

उसे सुलाने में अक्सर वो भी सो जाती है
कभी जब मचलता है तो टीवी दिखाती है

जो टीचर मैम बताती है वही वो मानता है
देसी खाना छोड कर पीजा बर्गर खाता है

वीक एन्ड पर मॉल में पिकनिक मनाता है
संडे की छुट्टी मौम-डैड के संग बिताता है

वक्त नहीं रुकता है तेजी से गुजर जाता है
वह स्कूल से निकल के कालेज में आता है

कान्वेन्ट में पढ़ने पर इंडिया कहाँ भाता है
आगे पढाई करने वह विदेश चला जाता है

वहाँ नये दोस्त बनते हैं उनमें रम जाता है
मां-बाप के पैसों से ही खर्चा चलाता है

धीरे-धीरे वहीं की संस्कृति में रंग जाता है
मौम डैड से रिश्ता पैसों का रह जाता है

कुछ दिन में उसे काम वहीं मिल जाता है
जीवन साथी शीघ्र ढूंढ वहीं बस जाता है

माँ बाप ने जो देखा ख्वाब वो टूट जाता है
बेटे के दिमाग में भी कैरियर रह जाता है

बुढ़ापे में माँ-बाप अब अकेले रह जाते हैं
जिनकी अनदेखी की उनसे आँखें चुराते हैं

क्यों इतना कमाया ये सोच के पछताते हैं
घुट घुट कर जीते हैं खुद से भी शरमाते हैं

हाथ पैर ढीले हो जाते, चलने में दुख पाते हैं
दाढ़-दाँत गिर जाते, मोटे चश्मे लग जाते हैं

कमर भी झुक जाती, कान नहीं सुन पाते हैं
वृद्धाश्रम में दाखिल हो, जिंदा ही मर जाते हैं :

सोचना की बच्चे अपने लिए पैदा कर रहे हो या विदेश की सेवा के लिए।
बेटा एडिलेड में, बेटी है न्यूयार्क।
ब्राईट बच्चों के लिए, हुआ बुढ़ापा डार्क।

बेटा डालर में बंधा, सात समन्दर पार।
चिता जलाने बाप की, गए पड़ोसी चार।

ऑन लाईन पर हो गए, सारे लाड़ दुलार।
दुनियां छोटी हो गई, रिश्ते हैं बीमार।

बूढ़ा-बूढ़ी आँख में, भरते खारा नीर।
हरिद्वार के घाट की, सिडनी में तकदीर।

तेरे डालर से भला, मेरा इक कलदार।
रूखी-सूखी में सुखी, अपना घर संसार

Saturday, July 9, 2016

उसको तो फ़र्क पड़ता है

एक बार समुद्री तूफ़ान के बाद हजारों लाखों मछलियाँ किनारे पर रेत पर तड़प तड़प कर मर रहीँ थीं ! इस भयानक स्थिति को देखकर पास में रहने वाले एक 6 वर्ष के बच्चे से रहा नहीं गया, और वह एक एक मछली उठा कर समुद्र में वापस फेकनें लगा ! यह देख कर उसकी माँ बोली, बेटा लाखों की संख्या में है, तू कितनों की जान बचाएगायह सुनकर बच्चे ने अपनी स्पीड और बढ़ा दी, माँ फिर बोली बेटा रहनें दे कोई फ़र्क नहीं पड़ता !

बच्चा जोर जोर से रोने लगा और एक मछली को समुद्र में फेकतें हुए जोर से बोला माँ "इसको तो फ़र्क पड़ता है" दूसरी मछली को उठाता और फिर बोलता माँ "इसको तो फ़र्क पड़ता हैं" ! माँ ने बच्चे को सीने से लगा लिया !

हो सके तो लोगों को हमेशा होंसला और उम्मीद देनें की कोशिश करो, न जानें कब आपकी वजह से किसी की जिन्दगी वदल जाए! क्योंकि आपको कोई फ़र्क नहीं पड़ता पर "उसको तो फ़र्क पड़ता है!"...

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Saturday, November 21, 2015

A rare Conversation between Krishna and Today's Arjun

Arjun : I can’t find free time. Life has become hectic.

Krishna : Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you free.

Arjun : Why has life become complicated now?
Krishna : Stop analyzing life... It makes it complicated. Just live it.

ArjunWhy are we then constantly unhappy?
KrishnaWorrying has become your habit. That’s why you are not happy.

ArjunWhy do good people always suffer?
Krishna : Diamond cannot be polished without friction. Gold cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but don’t suffer. With that experience their life becomes better, not bitter.

Arjun : You mean to say such experience is useful?
Krishna : Yes. In every term, Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lessons later.

Arjun : Because of so many problems, we don’t know where we are heading…
Krishna : If you look outside you will not know where you are heading. Look inside. Eyes provide sight. Heart provides the way.

Arjun : Does failure hurt more than moving in the right direction?
Krishna : Success is a measure as decided by others. Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you.

Arjun : In tough times, how do you stay motivated?
Krishna : Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing.

Arjun : What surprises you about people?
Krishna : When they suffer they ask, "why me?" When they prosper, they never ask "Why me?"

Arjun : How can I get the best out of life?
Krishna : Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.

Arjun : One last question. Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.
Krishna : There are no unanswered prayers. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Trust me. Life is wonderful if you know how to live.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Last Words of Steve Jobs

I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world.

In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success.

However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to.

At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in, have paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death.

In the darkness, I look at the green lights from the life supporting machines and hear the humming mechanical sounds, I can feel the breath of God of death drawing closer…

Now I know, when we have accumulated sufficient wealth to last our lifetime, we should pursue other matters that are unrelated to wealth…

Should be something that is more important:

Perhaps relationships, perhaps art, perhaps a dream from younger days ...

Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me.

God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth.

The wealth I have won in my life I cannot bring with me.

What I can bring is only the memories precipitated by love.

That’s the true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on.

Love can travel a thousand miles. Life has no limit. Go where you want to go. Reach the height you want to reach. It is all in your heart and in your hands.

What is the most expensive bed in the world? - "Sick bed" …

You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear the sickness for you.

Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – "Life".

When a person goes into the operating room, he will realize that there is one book that he has yet to finish reading – "Book of Healthy Life".

Whichever stage in life we are at right now, with time, we will face the day when the curtain comes down.

Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends...

Treat yourself well. Cherish others.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

COURAGE FOR STUDENTS by Sandeep Maheshwari (in Hindi)

It’s time for you to make a choice. It’s time for you to take a stand. It’s time for you to take action and decide what you really want from your life. Do you have the Courage to be what you want to be and to do whatever it takes?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

सफल जीवन क्या होता है

एक बेटे ने पिता से पूछा – पापा ये ‘सफल जीवन’ क्या होता है ?

पिता, बेटे को पतंग उड़ाने ले गए।
बेटा पिता को ध्यान से पतंग उड़ाते देख रहा था…

थोड़ी देर बाद बेटा बोला, पापा.. ये धागे की वजह से पतंग और ऊपर नहीं जा पा रही है, क्या हम इसे तोड़ दें !! ये और ऊपर चली जाएगी…

पिता ने धागा तोड़ दिया ..

पतंग थोड़ा सा और ऊपर गई और उसके बाद लहरा कर नीचे आइ और दूर अनजान जगह पर जा कर गिर गई…
तब पिता ने बेटे को जीवन का दर्शन समझाया .,,,,
‘जिंदगी में हम जिस ऊंचाई पर हैं..
हमें अक्सर लगता की कुछ चीजें, जिनसे हम बंधे हैं वे हमें और ऊपर जाने से रोक रही हैं
जैसे :घर, परिवार, अनुशासन, माता-पिता आदि और हम उनसे आजाद होना चाहते हैं… वास्तव में यही वो धागे होते हैं जो हमें उस ऊंचाई पर बना के रखते हैं.. इन धागों के बिना हम एक बार तो ऊपर जायेंगे परन्तु बाद में हमारा वो ही हश्र होगा जो बिन धागे की पतंग का हुआ…’
“अतः जीवन में यदि तुम ऊंचाइयों पर बने रहना चाहते हो तो, कभी भी इन धागों से रिश्ता मत तोड़ना..”
” धागे और पतंग जैसे जुड़ाव के सफल संतुलन से मिली हुई ऊंचाई को ही ‘सफल जीवन’ कहते हैं

Saturday, July 25, 2015

How to live life to the fullest? By Sandeep Maheshwari (in Hindi)

When our mind is strong, we can withstand even a thousand challenges without being affected by any of them. And such stability of mind cannot be achieved overnight. It is an endless pursuit. And while doing so, the most important thing to understand and remember is that…

"No matter how BIG your problem is, You are bigger than your problems."

MIRACLES by Sandeep Maheshwari (in Hindi)

Anything that our mind can’t understand seems like a miracle to us. Many a times, we attribute such things to a supernatural being (God), a miracle worker, a saint or a religious leader. And when we start believing blindly in such beings that we think can perform miracles, we stop relying on our own strengths.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Three Beautiful Thoughts

  • None can destroy iron, but its own rust can! Similarly, none can destroy a person, but his own mindset can. 
  • Ups and downs in life are very important to keep us going, because a straight line even in an E.C.G. means we are not alive. 
  • F-E-A-R has two meanings : 
  1. Forget Everything and Run. 
  2. Face Everything and Rise.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

How to Live in the Present Moment? By Sandeep Maheshwari (in Hindi)

Enlightenment is not a point in life, neither is it an end - It is a dynamic process of change and evolution. It's as simple as making a conscious choice to be in the present moment and experience all that is. ~ Sandeep Maheshwari

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Secret of Happiness

Happiness depends to some extent upon external conditions but chiefly upon mental attitudes.

Conditions are neither good nor bad; they are always neutral, seeming to be either depressing or encouraging because of the sad or bright attitude of the mind of the individual concerned with them.

If you think you have some big problem, look at people who have a greater problem. Suddenly, you will get a confidence that your problem is much smaller, and you can manage it.

Look at your own life. In the past, you had many problems. They have all come and gone. Know that even this will go and you do have the energy and power to overcome it. 

You are always looking for solutions from someone. You forget that if you turn our mind inward, you can get some idea, some solution.

Change your thoughts if you wish to change your circumstances. Since you alone are responsible for your thoughts, only you can change them. Therefore, start now to think only those thoughts that will bring you health and happiness.

Successful people do not blame others for troubles that can usually be traced to their own actions and lack of understanding. They know that no one has any power to add to their happiness or detract from it unless they themselves are so weak that they allow the adverse thoughts and wicked actions of others to affect them.

The more you improve yourself, the more you will elevate others around you. The self-improving man is the increasingly happy man.

Avoid a negative approach to life. One may find some fault in even the greatest masterpieces of art, music, and literature. But isn’t it better to enjoy their charm and glory.

The ever new joy of God inherent in the soul is indestructible. You are an image of God; you should behave like a god. Resurrect yourself from the littleness of life, the little things that disturb you.

You have all creative ability, and you should work hard until your dreams are materialized.

You should keep busy doing constructive things for your own self-improvement and for the benefit of others. 

Happiness lies in making others happy. Some people think only of their own family but these are the very persons who do not become happy. To live for self is the source of all misery.

When you came into this world, you cried and everyone else smiled. You should so live your life that when you leave, everyone else will cry but you will be smiling.

The deeper you meditate and the more willingly you serve, the happier you will be.

Learn to carry all the conditions of happiness within yourself by meditating and attuning your realization to which is God. Your happiness should never be subject to any outside influence. Whatever your environment is, do not allow your inner peace to be touched by it.

You can keep that divine inner peace intact despite all painful thrusts of outer circumstance.

Be silent and calm every night and again in the morning before starting the day’s activity. 

The more you depend upon conditions outside yourself for happiness, the less happiness you will experience.

Night and day I am in a state of joy. That joy is God. To know Him is to perform the funeral rites for all your sorrows. He does not require you to be stoic and morose.

Without being happy you will not even be able to find Him. The happier you are, the greater will be your attachment with Him. Those who know Him are always happy, because God is joy itself.

I form new habits of thinking by seeing the good everywhere, and by beholding all things as the perfect idea of God made manifest.

I will make up my mind to be happy within myself right now, where I am today.

Secret of Self-Motivation by Shiv Khera (Latest Video) (Hindi) (1080p HD)

Watch out brief description about Secret of Self-Motivation by Shiv Khera (Famous Author, New Delhi).

Shiv Khera is the author of 16 books including international bestseller 'You Can Win' which has sold over 2.8 million copies in 16 languages. The focus of the book 'You Can Win' was on achieving success through personal growth and positive attitude.

He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows. He has been honoured by Rotary International and The Lions International.

The secret of happiness may be to not expect too much from life.

People who have close relationships with others tend to be happier. The number of happy people in one's life could increase happiness in a person in a predictable manner.

When person's talents and interests are utilized constantly and the task undertaken is generally met with success.

The happiest people are those that are very busy but do not feel hurried. Everyone has problem in their life. If anybody do not have problem, he is not live. Our life depends on situation that how we react toward our problem.

People feel unhappy if they have nothing to doing anything. We should solve our problem in correct way. We live in a world where there are endless possibilities. Happiness depends to some extent upon external conditions, but chiefly upon your mental attitudes.

Change your thoughts if you wish to change your circumstances. Since you alone are responsible for your thoughts, only you can change them. 

If you think you have some big problem, look at people who have a greater problem. Suddenly you will get a confidence that my problem is much smaller and I can manage it.

Look at your own life. In the past, you had many problems. They have all come and gone. Know that even this will go and you do have the energy and power to overcome it. 

We are always looking for solutions from someone. We forget that if we turn our mind inward, we can get some idea, some solution.

Successful people do not blame others for troubles that can usually be traced to their own actions and lack of understanding. Avoid a negative approach to life. 

Resurrect yourself from the littleness of life, the little things that disturb you.

You should keep busy doing constructive things for your own self-improvement and for the benefit of others.

Your happiness should never be subject to any outside influence. Whatever your environment is, don’t allow your inner peace to be touched by it.

The more you depend upon conditions outside yourself for happiness, the less happiness you will experience.

Even Shiv Khera also feel disturb from outside condition. He read good inspiring book and biography of Guru Gobind Singh for self-motivation.

Guru Gobind Singh infused the spirit of both sainthood and soldier in the minds and hearts of his followers to fight oppression in order to restore justice, peace, righteousness (Dharma) and to uplift the down-trodden people in this world.

Aurangzeb had ordered the forced conversion of all Hindus. Guru Gobind Singh was the son of Guru Tegh Bahadur who gave his life to protect religious freedom. In his lifetime, he stood against the Mughal Rulers and fought against injustice. He was really inspiring Guru who struggled for justice in all situations. 

The more options you have, the higher your expectations, and when your expectations are sky-high, you are destined for disappointment.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Secret of Happiness by Manohar Lal Taneja (Hindi) (720p HD)

Watch out beautiful explanation of the secret of happiness by Manohar Lal Taneja (Ex Manager of NAFED, Faridabad)

People who have close relationships with others tend to be happier. The number of happy people in one's life could increase happiness in a person in a predictable manner.

We need happy feelings but we also need meaning in our lives.

Happiness is mainly about getting what one wants and needs including from other people or even just by shopping, or favourite hobbies. Sometimes, you can find happiness in meaningfulness work which may be creepy for others. Everyone has different approach to see life and happiness.

Some can be feel momentary happiness in ice cream while other feels positive feelings from raising a good kid. You can feel happiness in small effort or hobbies too.

Happiness in the moment is not everything. We should try to find happiness in every moment. 

If you think you have some big problem, look at people who have a greater problem. Suddenly, you will get a confidence that your problem is much smaller, and you can manage it.

You should keep busy doing constructive things for your own self-improvement and for the benefit of others.

This is even true in marriages life if people who failed to maintain equilibrium between their own needs and their partner’s needs became more depressed over the next part of life.

The more you depend upon conditions outside yourself for happiness, the less happiness you will experience.

When you came into this world, you cried and everyone else smiled. You should so live your life that when you leave, everyone else will cry, but you will be smiling.

Do not waste time in a job you hate. The happiest people are those that are very busy but do not feel rushed.

Live every moment of life. Each moment is valuable and we can not bring them back at any price. People who misuse their all time for making prosperity, feel irritation in later part of life. As they lost their health and youth for making wealth and they can not enjoy their prosperity at grown-up age without good fitness. 

Look at the things that make you happy and plan them into your calendar and schedule. We need happy feelings but we also need meaning in our lives.

Happiness is mainly about getting what one wants and needs.

The more options you have, the higher your expectations and when your expectations are sky-high, you are intended for distress.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

JOURNEY WITHIN by Sandeep Maheshwari (in Hindi)

Journey Within' is for those who want to rise above the material world and reunite with thyself. This session satiates the internal quest of knowing the eternal truth, purpose of religion and Karmic cycle in detail. 

Decoding the layers of body, mind and soul, this session puts an end to all myths and superstitions.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

THE UNSTOPPABLE by Sandeep Maheshwari in Hindi (Full Video)

This unique storytelling session throws light on the biggest obstacles of life and how to break free through them. Sharing insightful leanings, different ups and downs, the session delves deep into the 'Law of Attraction' and how is it being practiced as a mere superstition instead of a powerful tool of being an achiever. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

LAST Life-Changing Seminar by Sandeep Maheshwari in Hindi (Full Video)

All my life, I have been a failure. A failure when I dropped out of college. A failure when I started my career. A failure when I wrote a book. A failure when my business closed down but, a failure to others, not to myself. And, you can also turn your failures into success, just like I did! ~ Sandeep Maheshwari

Monday, March 11, 2013

I don’t Understand

  • Why we can’t have morality without dictating religion.
  • Why we can’t have differences without hatred.
  • Why we can’t have disagreements without belittlements.
  • Why we can’t love a higher spirit, but each in our own way.
  • Why we can’t feed the homeless but can rebuild the world.
  • Why we can’t find charity for our neighbors but can pray for a stranger.
  • Why we can’t see our own faults but can so easily find them in others.
  • Why we can’t see the good but so readily point out the bad.

I don’t understand
  • Why love doesn’t return the gift of generosity.
  • Why we profess to value honesty then lie to protect ourselves.
  • Why success can’t be won without deceit.
  • Why we abuse the world but cherish possessions.
  • Why profit means more than the method that achieves it.
  • Why what people say isn’t what they mean.

I don’t understand.

  • Why we complain more about what we don’t have instead of seeing what we’ve already been given. 
  • Why we want so much when it’s usually the simple things that make us happy. 
  • Why we try to be someone and something we aren’t instead of celebrating who we truly are. 
  • Why we aren’t more thankful for the people in our lives instead of the things in our lives.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lovely Words by a Boy

  • Boy : You know what's the meaning of A, B, C?
  • Girl : what?
  • Boy : Always Be Careful.
  • Girl : Okay then?
  • Boy : D, E, F, G.
  • Girl : ?
  • Boy : Don't Ever Forget That.
  • Girl : Forget That?
  • Boy : I'm H, I.
  • Girl : What is H, I ?
  • Boy : Happily Inlove.
  • Girl : So
  • Boy :  J, K, L, M, ….Just Keep Loving Me.
  • Girl : And how about N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z ?
  • Boy : No Other Person Quite, Reasonable, Shall Treat U Very Well Xcept Me You'll Zee. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

I whispered in her Ear

I whispered in her ear.
Fear me dear, for I am Death,
I'll take your hope, your dreams, your love,
Till there's nothing left.

I whispered in her ear.
You better fear me dear, for I am Death,
And I'll take that shit you call a life,
In a single fucking breath.

I'll take your hope.
I'll take your fucking dreams,
I'll take your love,
I'll take everything you fucking bitch.

I'll steal the diamonds from your eyes.
I'll turn your promises into lies,
I'll steal the diamonds from your eyes,
I'll turn your promises into lies.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Touching Words by a Girl

One day we met.

He said he loves me,
He said “I am the best part of his life,”
He said “I sm the one who makes him.”

Complete, I believed him so much, I loved him so much.
I kept my heart open for him. 

After some time,

He said “he cried a lot in night.”
He said “He missed me a lot.” He said “that pain was sweet.”
He said “I should feel it too.” But I said don't want too.

Because I can't be away from you.

Then one day...

He said “He don't want to keep anything from me.”
He said “He hates me.”
He said “He never loved me.” I said “Please stop kidding and don't scare me.”

I asked him again and again but never replied me.
When everything was fine, when I did no mistake.
Why it all ended with dreads? I guess “I missed out something.”
I guess I believed him truly. I should have learned that, “He never loved me.”

It was always just me…

Monday, December 17, 2012

Inspiring Word by a Daughter to her Father

A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.
The father was sort of scared, so asked his little daughter,
“Sweetheart, hold my hand so that you don't fall into the water”
The little girl said, “No, Dad. You hold my hand!”
“What's the difference?” asked the puzzled father.
“There's a big difference dad…” replied the little girl. 

“If I hold your hand and something happens,
chances are that I may let your hand go.
But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that
No matter what happens, you will never let my hand go!”

Fill your heart with love and compassion,
Polish your thoughts with purity and divinity,
And decorate your deeds with dedication and service,
The rest is assured that he will never let you slip and fall!

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its Bond!

Good day and be blessed with His Strong Hold!
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