I would like to share something with you… a life-changing secret.
Let this “sink in” for your benefit and also for the benefit of those you wish to pass this wisdom-of-life on to.
You can… and WILL… have a “millionaire mind” if you live by the following truths:
* You become what you truly believe about yourself;
*In life, if you put forth a poor effort you get nothing. You lose your job, your marriage doesn’t become fruitful, you get nothing in the Olympics, or worse.
*If you put forth good (average) effort, you get poor results. That is why s-o-o-o many good people get so little. They lose jobs, they’re broke, etc.
*If you put forth excellent effort, you get good results. You will get a silver medal in the game of life… in love, finance, your spirituality and more.
*Now, if you want all the rewards life has to offer, You MUST be outstanding. If you are outstanding… to stand out… you will get it all!! You will get the gold medal.
*You must believe that you are outstanding and have a millionaire mind.
Anyone can judge their own life. It’s easy. Just take a good look at where your life is at this moment. Life is rigidly fair. If we want more, then we must be prepared to give more… to reach inside and find the faith and strength to take it to the next level.
Two people get up in the morning; the sun is shining, and there is a nice, warm and gentle breeze blowing on their faces. The birds are signing a beautiful song. One person steps outside and says, “aahhhhh, what a nice day!” And that same person thinks, “I’m going to make a difference today!” And you know what? They do make a difference.
The second person steps outside and says, “Ah sure… it’s nice out, and I have to work.” And that person thinks, “This stinks… to hell with it, I’ll just call in sick.”
You see, life handed these two people the same thing, but only one person came out a winner. We are all creating our lives everyday whether positive or negative. We program our minds to be productive and we double our talents… or… we program our minds to complain, and we live a dull life. We get what we create inside our minds.
Now, here’s a tip: Decide what it is you want - anything. Ask yourself, “What do I want, and why do I want this result? What MUST I do to get it?” The words “why” and “must” are key. It’s not “what should I do?” It’s “What MUST I do?” Once you know the answers to these two questions, you will have no excuse when you do nothing to achieve the desired result.
We can all raise the bar. Life will give you what you want if you believe and raise the bar for yourself. You must believe. You must see the result, and you must become outstanding at achieving it.
Remember, outstanding people get all the rewards!! Life will give it all to you at the level of “outstanding.” Nothing less will do if you want all the rewards.
What do you want in life… in work… in religion… in sports… in relationships… in whatever? WHY do you want these things and What MUST you do to get it?
If God gives you another day, what will you do with what He has given you? Make it outstanding!
You must believe in your dreams, and you must see and feel yourself already living the life you truly desire. And, or course, if you strive to be outstanding in all that you do, you will live a rewarding life and achieve a millionaire mind.
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